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Video Kit
Secure Video Conference Kit

The SCOTTY VideoKit has been designed for professionals who demand more than just a PC and webcam. The system combines HD-quality real-time video, and data communication with high-end peripherals in one portable package. This package is used for industrial, medical, or financial interactions which require both high quality and the security of a point-to-point dedicated connection.

The SCOTTY VideoKit provides the quality and versatility needed for important jobs. All of the components necessary for high quality SCOTTY video on the move are included in a convenient case – hardware video codec, computer, HD camera with tripod, and headset. Users can set up this kit where they are working – at a customer’s conference room, at a building site, at a remote survey, from a vehicle, or simply at home. They are independent and have access to the highest quality encrypted audio and video-communication. No more poor fuzzy images and broken audio, the SCOTTY VideoKit is for professionals who demand better.

The SCOTTY VideoKit includes pouches for cables and tabletop microphone, and padded foam pockets for laptop, camera, and headset. Hidden below the laptop is the SCOTTY hardware codec connected to the laptop running SCOTTY’s Teleporter software. Thus, within seconds, the user can make a H.323 or SIP video call at 1920 x 1080p using a controllable pan/tilt/zoom high quality camera. The video call can be from as low as 64 kbps up to 8 Mbps and include SCOTTY’s file transfer and Snap & Send features as well as far-end camera control. The laptop is used to set up the call, share presentations, and also to control the AES256 encryption connection through a VPN, if desired. The remote party can either use a Cisco or SCOTTY videoconferencing system to take the call, share data, and even control the remote camera.

Product Features
all-in-one carrying case
connects to Internet or portable SatCom
full-blown videoconferencing
highest quality audio and video
easy to use
encrypted point-to-point connections
Shielded, encrypted, high quality video conferencing
The SCOTTY Rollabout System offers secure video-communication from a convenient and compact cabinet system especially designed for briefings. This high-definition videoconferencing and data presentation system is shielded and provides space for easy military encryption integration. It runs on a state-of-the-art Cisco video codec capable of dual monitor mode for simultaneous live video and presentations. The whole system, including the camera and monitors, are electromagnetic emissions shielded and certified to NATO COMSEC Zone 2 or (optionally) Zone 1. The system can be conveniently rolled from one briefing room to the other and can be integrated into audio/video control rooms through its DVI cross matrix switcher. Users can then enjoy fully blown, high quality, and secure video teleconferencing anywhere in their building.The Rollabout system includes a professional Cisco video codec and an HD controllable video camera, two screens, loudspeakers, high quality boundary microphones which are removable, and it is compatible to other videoconferencing systems and multi-conferencing bridges. It has been especially prepared for external military encryption, with lockable compartments reserved for them. Operation of the entire system is user-friendly with an on-screen display with remote control. Administration is done via a web interface with an external computer or laptop.
Videoconference System
SINA H supported VCS Room Z1
The SCOTTY/secunet system guarantees secure video and data exchange at NATO SECRET classification using the SINA H encryption unit. The shielded videoconferencing monitors and the fiber optics in the codec core system protect against electronic eavesdropping attacks. Furthermore, the solution comprises of a modular system which enables versatile videoconferencing configurations depending on the application.In the portable configuration, the system is only operated with a video projector available on site. In the semi-mobile setup, the system can be used in a single or double monitor installation – one monitor for the live video, the other for additional data communication. This flexibility leads to better availability of the system and correspondingly better operational readiness around the clock.The system includes large 55" full HD shielded monitors, professional pan/tilt/zoom camera system, active loudspeakers, and integrated echo cancellation, ensuring unparalleled audio and video quality. And because the video codec core system, video camera module, and video monitors are connected to each other by fiber optic data lines, the system is flexible while staying secure. It also comes in its own convenient flight cases for quick stow away and shipment.
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